Aerospace Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center
Mentor Expertise Areas
Rotorcraft or Vertical Flight Systems
Aerodynamics or Fluid Mechanics
Mentor Focus Areas
General career mentoring
Advice related to graduate school
Advice related to maximizing success at GT
Government Agency (e.g. NASA, FAA, ONR, etc.) career perspectives
Mental health awareness

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Dr. Natasha Lydia Schatzman graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with her B.S. (2011), M.S. (2014), and Ph.D. (2018) from the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering. During her time at the Georgia Institute of Technology, she received numerous awards including, but not limited to the Georgia Tech Presidential Undergraduate Research Award (2009), Georgia Tech College of Engineering Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award (2010), 1st place in the 28th Annual AHS/Industry Student Design Competition Undergraduate Category (2011), Undergraduate and Masters Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarship (2010 and 2012). Her dissertation investigated coaxial rotor blade crossing phenomena and first authored several papers with her advisor Professor Narayanan Menon Komerath.

She has worked in the Aeromechanics office at NASA Ames Research Center since 2010, where she has further contributed to the field of computational and experimental rotorcraft aeroacoustics. She has led and executed various acoustic tests in the National Full-scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) 40-by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel, including the Bell 699 Rotor on the Tiltrotor Test Rig, Aerodynamic and Acoustic Rotorprop Test (AART), and upcoming Joby Aviation propellor test. Her computational skills include proficient use of the tools CAMRAD II, CHARM, ANOPP2, RotCFD, and OVERFLOW. She is the developer of the program RApid Blade and Blade-Vortex InTeraction (RABBIT) tool.

Dr. Schatzman is currently involved with multiple planetary vehicle development efforts, including being a key member in the success of the Mars helicopter in the Planetary Laboratory Wind Tunnel Test Team, where she acquired acoustic measurements of the Mars helicopter. She is the lead for the LILI (Long-term Ice-field Levitating Investigator) project, which a Mars aerial and ground explorer for Martian polar regions.

Dr. Schatzman has been an active member of the Vertical Flight Society since 2011. She served as the President (2013), Vice President (2012), and Undergraduate Liaison (2011) of the Georgia Institute of Technology American Helicopter Society (now VFS) Student Chapter.She went on to serve as President (2019), Vice President (2019), and Arrangements Chair (2016-2017) for the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Vertical Flight Society Chapter.

Furthermore, Dr. Schatzman has served on the Vertical Flight Society Acoustics Technical Committee as Deputy Session Chair (2019), Session Chair (2020) and Deputy Chair (currently).  She has personally mentored over 50 undergraduate and graduate students in the Aeromechanics office with a focus on aeroacoustics and professional development and serves a key PI for various Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE) university tasks. In 2023 she was recognized for outstanding vertical lift research, extensive contributions to the VFS technical community and local VFS San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, and outstanding mentorship in the rotorcraft field. Dr. Natasha Lydia Schatzman’s passion is to inspire future engineers by sharing her genuine love for learning and innovation.